The first set of instructions Millard Fuller ever gave me to share with my friends and colleges of how they can help was these three things;
- Help spread the word of The Fuller Center
- Help raise donations
- Help start other Fuller Centers.

I’m sure we haven’t met who else we’re supposed to help yet but we’ll be led there accordingly. How will those folks like Bobby & Anita know there is help available? How will those folks who are capable of helping and most likely willing to help if only they knew, how can we reach them?
How can you help? What about making and delivering sack lunches for the construction volunteers?
What about blogging or posting info on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, ect?
What about come shoot pictures and/or video and put it up on YouTube with all the links? Do some interviews? Ask some questions. What about reaching out to all your media contacts and ask them to help spread the good word?
What about raising donations? Doing the reconstruction? Scouting for other needy families and victims of the tornados? What about contacting local churches, sharing what we’re doing and invite them to join us? Civic Groups? Lumber Yards? Paint Stores?
We plan on starting the reconstruction process on Bobby & Anita’s home May 14th, we don’t have all the details ironed out yet but we will be updating on all our sources as we have new information. Their home is located @ 5029 Old Atlanta Road, Hampton GA.
This effort is being channeled through The Henry County Fuller Center for Housing, with The Atlanta Fuller Center is redirecting its energy in collaboration for a time.I’m asking you for your help, find where you fit in, come be involved but just for a day, look in the eyes of the needy, hear their plight, stand where they are, let your heart lead you.
Mark Galey
Volunteer & President, Atlanta Fuller Center
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